The Dhaka Times
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Government funded film 'Harijan' released

The Dhaka Times Desk The government funded film 'Harijan' is releasing on November 7, about the story of the Harijan community.

the film 'Harijan'

The government funded film 'Harijan' is releasing on Friday, November 7, about the story of the Harijan community. This movie is directed by Mirza Sakhawat Hussain. One-time stage actor Sakhawat Hussain has produced a full-length film for the first time after producing several TV dramas. The film stars Jayant Chatterjee and once popular TV actress Rokeya Prachi in the lead roles.

Mirza Sakhawat Hossain said, 'Since 1990, he was planning to make a play or film on the story of the Harijan community. That is why he traveled to different parts of the country, he mingled with the Harijans. He went very close to them and saw what they did not find.'

He further said, 'Civilized society does not know much about the Harijan community. The civilized people of the city consider them untouchable and untouchable. I want to break that misconception. Their way of life is very simple, they can easily mix with people. Not only the story of Napawa, I have also highlighted their lifestyle in this film.' Director Mirza Sakhawat Hussain said that he is planning to make a romantic style film called 'Amake Chhunye Dekho' after 'Harijan'.

In previous years, the government-funded movies were released on TV channels before the release in the theatres, but the film 'Harijan' is being released first in the theatres. The film will be released in 10 days by the distribution company TOT Films.

'Harijan' has been released in theaters to change the idea that life-based movies cannot do business under the influence of romantic movies. Hall owners do not want to run these movies fearing business loss. However, even if it runs in a small number of theaters, if you can deliver such a story-based movie to the audience, the audience might also take it - that is the hope of the filmmaker.

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