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America's much-discussed World Trade Center is being launched again!

The Dhaka Times Desk It has been 13 years since the collapse of the twin towers of America. After this long time, the world's tallest commercial building, the much-discussed Twin Towers, is going to be opened again. But the new name is World Trade Center.

the World Trade Centre being

13 years ago on September 11, 2001, the then Twin Towers were destroyed in a terrible terrorist attack. The event known in history as 9/11.

According to the US media, this World Trade Center will be officially opened next Monday. Major publishing company Condé Nast will officially open the building for business. The tallest building in the US has 104 floors. The building, built on 16 acres of land, cost about $4 billion.

It should be noted that more than 2700 people died in the attack on the Twin Towers in Manhattan, New York 13 years ago. Assets worth billions of dollars were destroyed.

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