Categories: do it yourself

Relieve painful sore throat easily

The Dhaka Times Desk You may feel pain or soreness in your throat for various reasons. However, due to not taking proper treatment or steps, many suffer from this problem caused by cold. Today we will see how to get rid of this painful sore throat easily.

Kulkucha in hot salt water-

You may have this problem for various reasons. You need to take the right action at the right time. Cold is the main cause of sore throat. So if you feel a sore throat, mix salt in tolerably hot water and gargle with it. The cold phlegm accumulated inside the throat comes out due to the effect of salt water in the throat, which will reduce your sore throat and make you feel calm.

Drink lukewarm liquid-

Do not eat heavy food if you feel pain in the throat. This will cause various problems in your body. However, drinking warm liquids will reduce your sore throat a lot. Warm liquids like soup, tea, milk can be drunk.

Eat soft, not hard food-

If you feel pain in the throat, you must take soft food. This will give some relief to the throat and reduce the pain in between. Among the soft foods, semolina, pies, khichuri can be eaten.

Bake hot-

Apply a warm compress to the neck and shoulders with a cloth or hot water bag. By doing this, you will get comfort and the throat will be somewhat protected from the extra cold outside. A sore throat will also heal quickly if you get warmth.

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This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ৫, ২০১৪ 2:47 pm


"Great as father's money, poor as my own money. Ultimate I consider myself poor. Because of father's money, Futani Marina."

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