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How Michael Grab made the impossible possible

The Dhaka Times Desk What would you think if you ever saw some incongruous chunks of rock standing on top of each other giving a thumbs up to physics? At first you will be a bit shocked then you might think it is magic. Michael Grab has made such impossible magic a reality. But let's look at the work of Michael Grab.

Michael Grabe created a stone statue by stacking some irregular stones on top of each other. In reality, such a construction is impossible.

You may find that these do not obey the laws of physics.

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When you see these works of Michael Grab, at first you wonder if it is a balanced stone statue or just magic.

But watching the video below, you wouldn't realize it's meticulously and meticulously balancing some uneven rocks.

Or to put it a little differently, making a stone statue.

According to Michael Grab, the impossible is possible through years of concentration and meditative focus.

In this regard, he said, I have been thinking about this matter for the past few years and then trying to put one on top of the other.

After thousands of attempts I was able to do it. I understand how to do it.

In fact, if you look at this stone statue by Michael Grab, you will be puzzled as to how Michael Grab has placed these irregularly shaped blocks of stone on top of each other.

Watch Michael Grab's work on video:

Reference: Borpanda

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ১০, ২০১৪ 11:28 am

KA B Tohin

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