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The government is looking for 17 people on Facebook

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladesh government is investigating 17 Facebook users. Facebook has sent detailed information about these IDs to the authorities. This news has been confirmed by Facebook itself.


Facebook said in a statement that they have been asked for information about numerous Facebook users from different countries. The Bangladesh government is also on the list to request this information. The Bangladesh government has asked Facebook for information on a total of 17 people from January to June this year.

Facebook also said that the rate of requests for information from various governments is 28 percent higher than other years. However, Facebook has confirmed that no country's government has ever shared information about Facebook users.

A total of 34 thousand 946 requests for information from the government of various countries including the government of Bangladesh have been submitted on Facebook. This calculation is from January this year till now. However, this year Facebook has removed 19 posts because they are against the local laws of Bangladesh. It has also been reported that the Bangladesh government sought information about 12 people on Facebook last year.

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