Categories: international news

Now the Taliban have threatened to kill Indian Prime Minister Modi!

The Dhaka Times Desk This time the Pakistani Taliban threatened to kill Indian Prime Minister Modi. In one threat, India and Pakistan first claimed responsibility for various attacks and threatened to wage a long-lasting 'shadow war' there.

The TalibanThe Taliban

Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has threatened to kill Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In one threat, India and Pakistan first claimed responsibility for various attacks and threatened to wage a prolonged shadow war there.

According to media reports, two terrorist groups named TTP and Jamaat-ul-Ahrar have already accepted the responsibility of killing more than 60 people in a suicide blast in the India-Pakistan border area of Wagah last Sunday evening. A reconciliation rally between the Indian and Pakistani armies was to be held in the area. However, despite the attack, the ceremony was held there later.

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The media reported that last Wednesday, the leader of that organization, Ehsanullah Ehsan, told a news agency over the phone that India is also their target along with Pakistan. And in that context, the militant leader Ehsanullah threatened to attack Modi.

Ehsanullah also said, 'I have informed Modi that if our suicide bombers can attack across the border, they can also attack India. I have told Modi that his hands are red with the blood of Kashmiri Mujahideen and innocent people of Gujarat, for which he will have to pay the price.'

The media also reported that last Tuesday, the Pentagon, the US military headquarters, said in a report that Pakistan is conducting a 'shadow war' to stop India's powerful army. Just one day after this last Wednesday, New Delhi is a bit worried about the threat of Pakistan Taliban.

Intelligence officials spoke to Prime Minister Modi about this issue. It is also thought to increase its security. However, the Government of India has not yet announced anything in this regard.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ৭, ২০১৪ 10:28 am

Staff reporter

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