Categories: health talk

Tips: Know what to do in case of sudden fever

The Dhaka Times Desk Anyone can get a fever. And this fever does not come. Fever is more common during this period. Because it happens due to weather changes. But let's know what to do in case of fever.

At this time of winter many people are seen to have fever. This is because it is hot in the evening and cold in the last night. No one has that kind of preparation because of the cold on the last night. And this sudden cold is harmful for everyone. And so at this time there is a problem of fever or cold in the house.

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What to do if you have a fever

First of all, if there is a fever, the whole body of the patient should be sponged. Continuous sponging for about 10 minutes can reduce the temperature. However, those who can understand excessive cold, such as cough and tightness in the chest, should take care not to get cold in the chest while sponging. Their cold water cannot be consumed at all. It is better to feed them with warm water. You can leave the fan on lightly while sponging. Again care should be taken so that the air does not hit the patient's body directly.

A small towel or handkerchief should be soaked in water and sponging the body. After sponging again, wipe the body with another dry small towel. Remember, sponging is useful in any fever. In this way, it can be done 24 hours a day and night if necessary. However, many times the patient does not want to do sponging due to cold and fever. In that case you can reduce the fever with napa or paracetamol gum tablets. People who have more cough or cold can take Elektrol tablets. However, any medicine other than paracetamol should not be taken without consulting a doctor. However, in case of normal cold fever, fever can go away by taking paracetamol or sponging. But if it is more than 100 degrees then paracetamol can be given. If there is fever for 3 days or more then you must consult a doctor.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৩০, ২০২০ 5:40 pm

Staff reporter

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