The Dhaka Times Desk At first sight of the device one might think it is a scientific calculator. But in fact the device is basically a kind of scanner and smartphone, which is being used to fake exams.
Recently, this high-tech fraud was found in the admission test of this unit of Haji Danesh University of Science and Technology. An examinee named Abul Hossain Liton, who cheated in this way with the help of a scientific calculator, has been handed over to the police. During the 40 minutes of the start of the exam, if there is any doubt about the scientific calculator with Abul Hossain, it can be seen that it is equipped with a high-tech camera and scanner!
After checking the device, it is found that it has all the features of a smartphone including camera, SIM card. The image contained in it immediately goes out with the help of the Internet, from there the answer to the question comes back to the display of the modern scientific calculator.
Liton, meanwhile, said he rented the device from a cycler for just Rs 50,000 for two days to use in his own tests. Half of this rent was paid in advance and the rest was to be paid after the examination. Lytton also told the police that the inventors of the modern device gave 47 more devices to various candidates, which they used in various admission tests, and were successful.
This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ১, ২০১৫ 10:45 pm
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