The Dhaka Times
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This time the collision of the bull with the plane!

The Dhaka Times Desk Bird collisions are often heard. But this time there has been news that a bull has collided with a plane. The incident happened in India.


We heard the news about the plane hitting the bird. But this time a little exceptional event was heard in India. A passenger plane collided with a bull there. However, none of the passengers or crew were injured. But the bull died. The SpiceJet Boeing 737-800 flight crashed on the runway while taking off from the Surat airport in Gujarat province last Thursday. There were 146 passengers and crew on the Delhi-bound flight, BBC reported.

India's domestic airline SpiceJet said in a news release that 'the bull escaped the pilot's notice due to darkness. That is why the plane collided with the bull on the runway while leaving the Surat airport. No one on the plane was injured. But that bull died immediately. However, the plane was badly damaged in the accident. All the passengers of the plane were later transferred to another plane.'

Note that after this incident, the company has decided not to use Surat airport. They complained, 'Presence of animals has become a threat at several airports in India.'

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