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Ershad called Nur Hossain's day of 'democracy day'!

The Dhaka Times Desk Noor Hussain was martyred on this day on November 10 with this slogan on his chest and back, 'Let democracy be pure, democracy is free.' This day is therefore observed as 'Noor Hussain Day'. Jatiya Party Chairman Hussain Muhammad Ershad called this day 'Democracy Day'!

Today is November 10, Martyr Noor Hussain Day. Nur Hossain took to the streets with the slogan 'Let dictatorship be pure, democracy is free' written on his chest and back. He was shot dead by the police of the dictatorial Ershad government. Today, after two years, this day is called 'Democracy Day' by the former head of state Jatiya Party Chairman Hussain Muhammad Ershad. Ershad said this in a statement sent to the media on Sunday.

Ershad said in his statement, 'On November 10, 1986, I announced the end of the military rule by giving a speech in the great National Parliament as the President of the country, and said that the foundation of the democracy expected by the people was laid today. Which no one can ever destroy. As that democracy continues even today, 10th November has been recognized as 'Democracy Day' by the democracy loving people. On this day I wish and congratulate all the democracy loving people of the country.'

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Ershad also said, 'The main goal of our great liberation struggle was to achieve independence and establish democracy. The freedom we desire is intact and will remain forever. But the continuity of democracy has been disrupted. But the democracy that I established on November 10, 1986, could not be disrupted by any conspiracy. I can confidently say that this democracy will continue forever. Let this be everyone's only pledge on Democracy Day.'

It should be noted that Nur Hossain was martyred on November 10, 1987 at the capital's Zero Point (GPO intersection) after taking part in the movement against the dictator Ershad. Since then this day is observed as 'Noor Hussain Day'.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ১০, ২০১৪ 9:35 am

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