The Dhaka Times Desk We often travel to many places, which can be easily recognized later if we place them on Google Maps. Also, places placed on Google Maps can be useful for various purposes. Today we will see how to place any place you visit on Google Maps using Android phone.
Below is the step by step method to know how we can place any place on Google Map on our Android phone.
1) First log in with your email ID on your Android phone and launch Google Maps.
2) Now enter the name of the place you have visited or which you want to save on Google Maps in the search box. Here is Thames River London as an example.
3) Now Google will suggest you several places near Thames River London. From here long press your desired location with your finger. And by doing this you will get 'Dropped Pin' at that location.
4) Now click on the red color balloon and immediately you will see a separate section below with the name of that place.
5) Now click on save part here.
6) Once saved, the save arrow will change from blue to yellow.
Now your favorite place has been saved on Google Maps from your Android phone. You can visit this place anytime by logging in with your email id from any device.
Here's what you need to do to view saved places from your device on Google Maps.
1) Log in with your Gmail ID in the browser of the computer from which you want to view Google Maps. Now launch Google Maps in the browser.
২) নিচের কোনায় থাকা সেটিংস অংশে ক্লিক করে ‘ইউর প্লেস’ ঘরে ক্লিক করুন।
3) Now you will see all your saved places on Google Maps on the left side.
This is how you can save your favorite places on Google Maps. And you can use Google Maps for many other purposes including knowing the distance from your location to that place.
Also, click on Settings at the bottom right of the map to share an area and embed code from Google Maps.
After clicking the share and embed code part, a page like the image below will appear. From here you can share and embed the code on your website.
This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২৬, ২০১৪ 10:20 pm
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