The Dhaka Times
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How to

How to reduce the cost of travel!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is a saying among travelers, 'If traveling were free, I would be hard to find.' That is, going on a trip would have been quite simple. But you can make your trip enjoyable on a budget if you want.…

How to easily remove carpet stains

The Dhaka Times Desk Expensive and beautiful carpets are laid on the floor of home or office. Sometimes coffee, tea or something spilled on that expensive carpet and got ugly stains. Today we will discuss some simple methods to remove these carpet stains.…

How to get fast and enough sleep

The Dhaka Times Desk To perform daily tasks properly, the brain needs to be kept normal. There is no substitute for sleep to keep the brain normal. But even going to bed to sleep does not come easily. As a result of not getting enough sleep, the next day is normal…
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