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How to easily remove carpet stains

Coffee, tea or spills can leave unexpected stains on expensive carpets

The Dhaka Times Desk Expensive and beautiful carpets are laid on the floor of home or office. Sometimes coffee, tea or something spilled on that expensive carpet and got ugly stains. I do not expect such a situation. The beauty of the carpet is spoiled by such stains. It is not possible to lift such a big carpet and wash it. So maybe wondering how to remove this stain? Today we will discuss some simple methods to remove these carpet stains.

Uses of vinegar:

1. Using salt and vinegar is very effective in removing carpet stains. Mix 2 tablespoons of salt in ½ cup of white vinegar well. Now apply the mixed solution on the stained area and wait for a while. Now wet a towel and wipe it well by pressing on the stain with that towel. Then the stain will appear. If the stain is too thick, add two more tablespoons of borax to the previous mixture and then use as before.

2. To remove fruit juice stains, mix 1 tablespoon of laundry detergent with 1 tablespoon of white vinegar and two cups of water and apply the mixture on the stained area and wait for a while. Now wet a towel and wipe it well by pressing on the stain with that towel. Then the stain will appear.

Use of salt:

To remove ice cream stains, sprinkle some salt with light water on the stain. Wait a while. Now wet a towel and wipe it well by pressing on the stain with that towel. Then the stain will appear. Repeat the same procedure if the entire stain is not removed at once.

Use of mineral water:

Carbonated mineral water works very well to remove carpet stains. Wet a clean towel in carbonated mineral water and gently wipe the affected area several times. Now squeeze out the water from that part with a dry towel. Then the stain will disappear.

Use of dishwashing soap:

If there is an oil stain on the carpet, immediately rub it with a few drops of dishwashing liquid soap. Now wet a clean towel and wipe the chip by pressing it a few times. Then the stain will disappear.

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