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How to quickly turn on and off the computer with the keyboard

Turn on and off the computer with the keyboard from today

The Dhaka Times Desk Tired of turning your computer on or off with a mouse or touch pad? Or due to problems with the mouse or touch pad, it is difficult to turn off the computer. Wondering how to quickly turn off and on the computer through the keyboard? So let's learn how to quickly turn off or turn on the computer using the keyboard.

1. Ways to turn off the computer quickly using the keyboard:

To quickly shut down your computer, hold down the Home button and press F4. Then a new window will appear. Notice in the middle that it says shutdown and below that the Ok button is selected. Now just pressing Enter button will shut down the computer.


Hold down the Windows key and press R to open the Run command. There type shutdown (space) -s (space) -t (space) 00 (zero zero) (eg shutdown -s -t 00) then press enter key the computer will shut down.

2. How to turn on the computer using the key board:

Many times, if the power button of the computer is damaged or any problem occurs, it is very difficult to turn on the computer. So you can easily turn on your computer using the key board. For this you need to do some work first.

First press the Del/Delete key from the keyboard while the computer is on. This will open a bios page on the monitor in a moment. From that page, press Power Management Setup. Select Power on My Keyboard and press Enter again. After that you have to press enter again with Password. From now on you can start the computer very easily by pressing the 'key' of your choice.

So from today you can turn off or turn on the computer just by using the keyboard.

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