The Dhaka Times
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Self-doubt is good for your career in 4 ways

Self-doubt can advance your career

The Dhaka Times Desk Doubt is seen as a bad thing, but there are benefits in doubting some things. Self-doubt is one of them. Through self-doubt you can push yourself towards improvement. Self-doubt will do you good in 4 cases.

1. Having doubts about self-knowledge:

If one thinks that his knowledge of a subject is sufficient, he is mistaken. Because there is no end to knowledge. So those who doubt their own knowledge are constantly discovering new things and developing new techniques. Because they doubt their own knowledge. They suspect, their knowledge is very deficient. They may not know a whole lot about a subject. Although they have sufficient knowledge, this self-doubt helps them to know the subject better.

2. Helps to make the right decision:

A decision made on whim or suddenly does not usually yield good results. Self-doubt will help you make the right decision when making a decision. If you have self-doubt when you go to make a decision, you can take the right decision by thinking about it a lot.

3. Creation of opportunity for wrong correction:

Self-doubt allows you to correct mistakes. You may have started a task with a decision. If you have self-doubt about that, you can research various things and find your right way. And you can protect yourself in advance from a big mistake or loss.

4. Self-doubt will make you honest:

Self-doubt is a good quality. Self-doubt will help you build an honest and devoted character. If you want to do something bad, if you have self-doubt, you can't do that bad thing. Because fear of Allah, doubt that your respect will decrease with family or people around you, you cannot do that bad thing. This is how you can have an honest character.

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