The Dhaka Times
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Crocodile Hunter Dr. Irwin's son Bap-Ka-Beta

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular and renowned animal scientist Dr. Steve Irwin died after being bitten by a poisonous fish in the sea. But his two children are now going to follow their father's footsteps. More recently than Irwin's special expertise in crocodiles has caused a storm of discussion.


Irwin's son was only 3 years old when his father died. But now he's a bit more mature and recently Robert has shown great skill by feeding and playing with some hungry crocodiles.

Robert himself is going to follow in his father's footsteps even after his father's death in animal protection and working with animals. Father died 7 years ago Robert is now a 10 year old child. But he is now great at dealing with crocodiles or monstrous creatures. He has no fear of these animals.


The event where Robert comes and performs with crocodiles or other animals is basically a fundraiser for animals that are in poor condition in nature. All money from here will be given to organizations that benefit animals.

But the highlight of the show was Irwin's family and how comfortable Robert seemed to be with his late father's beloved animals. See details in the image below-









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