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Ayan Qureshi is the world's smallest computer expert

The Dhaka Times Desk Ayan Qureshi is the youngest computer expert in the world. Ayan Qureshi, a resident of Coventry, UK, is only 6 years old.

most little computer expert

Although the age is only 6 years now. But at this age, Ayan Qureshi was recognized as the youngest computer expert in the world. This prodigy Ayaan Qareshi has cleared an important exam called Microsoft Certified Professional in Information Technology (IT) a year ago. Ayan Qureshi is now the youngest computer expert in the world. Currently Ayan Qureshi is working as an IT consultant.

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Ayan Qureshi is busy with a server at home

According to the BBC, Ian Qureshi, a resident of the city of Coventry in the United Kingdom, installed a computer communication system or network at his home. Ayaan Qureshi's father Asim Qureshi is also an IT consultant.

Ian Qureshi said that the test taken by Microsoft seemed difficult at first, but later he found it fun. His dream is to one day build a tech hub in the United Kingdom, which will be called E-Valley, on the model of Silicon Valley in the United States.

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Computers are like water to prodigy Ayan Qureshi

Dad Asim Qureshi told the BBC, 'The exam consisted of multiple-choice, computer-based drag-and-drop and hotspot and scenario-based questions. He said, explaining the question language to a 5-year-old boy was the most difficult thing. But he was able to understand very quickly. His memory is also very good.
People who want to become IT experts are usually the ones who take the Microsoft Certified exam.'

Ayan's father said, 'Ayan learned the computer from me at the age of 3. From then on he learned to understand hard drives and motherboards.'

Ayaan's father Asim said, 'Whatever I told him, he could say it all right the next day, he never forgot. Realizing this, I started teaching him more and more. At this age, too much fiddling with the computer can have negative effects. But Ayan's case is quite different. He gets to absorb everything.'

Ian has his own lab at home in Coventry. Ian spends 2 hours a day there learning how to install various operating systems and programs.

Ayan's mother Mamunah and his family moved to the UK in 2009 from Pakistan. Ayaan's mother Mamuna also feels happy and proud to see her son's success at such a young age.

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