The Dhaka Times
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A building covered with vines!

The Dhaka Times Desk A story of a building covered with foliage. This building covered with vines is the Rangpur office of RDRS. Foliage adorns a beautiful building.

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This is Rangpur office of RDRS. Anyone's eyes will be stuck when they look opposite Bangladesh Bank on Jail Road in Rangpur city. All the buildings are covered with amazing foliage! Again there are rows of ornamental trees. There are fruit trees and charming ferns here. It is hard to believe that plants and grass can be so beautiful without seeing it.

Vegetation covered

As far as the eye can see towards the east from the main gate, there is only green and green. It may seem like a forest department office. It is actually the office and guest house of Rangpur-Dinajpur region of non-governmental organization RDRS Bangladesh.

The 'wall creeper' is the most eye-catching among the various plants and foliage here. The tree binds the buildings here as if in an absolute mercy. The buildings seem to have come to life with its touch. has become an aesthetic beautifier. According to the information of Flora and Fauna Encyclopaedia published by Bangladesh Asiatic Society, it is known as Latadumur or Deyaldumur. Many also say creeper. Its scientific name is Ficus pumila. English name Fig Ivy, Creeping Fig, Climbing Fig. It is known that this fig tree is born in China and Japan. It is known as a perennial much branched creeper. Flowers and fruits also occur between October and March. Of course, the fruit can be eaten. This plant is usually planted on the wall as a decoration.

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According to RDRS sources, there are more than hundred species of trees in this campus. Wall creeper was installed in late 1999 or early 2000. It took 10-12 years to cover the entire building. It is environment friendly. Does not damage walls or buildings. Small birds come and roam around and eat insects. If you trim it at least twice a year, you can enjoy its wonderful beauty month after month. Such a beautiful natural environment soothes the mind.

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