The Dhaka Times Desk This is a new news for those who are unable to quit smoking despite many efforts. New research has shown that mixing the smell of rotten eggs with the smell of smoking creates a different smell that, given to smokers at specific times, will make them quit smoking.
A group of Israeli researchers say their study found that sleeping smokers quit smoking if they were given a mix of both smoke and the smell of rotten eggs in their rooms. Anat RG, a professor in the Department of Neurology at the Weizmann Institute who led the study, said: "In this process, we found evidence that quite a few smokers quit smoking." I mixed the smell of fish or rotten eggs with the smell of smoking on a group of smokers. They were sleeping at that time. Although they did not quit smoking at once, they gradually reduced their addiction to smoking. The researchers used scalp electrodes to monitor the emotional states of smokers during their sleep. In this, they calculated various data and found that this strong smell makes smokers physically and mentally addicted to smoking. The study was conducted on a total of 66 smokers, most of whom quit within a few days. However, this process of quitting smoking is still under research.
The study tracked smokers from first to last. The number of cigarettes smoked by smokers before and after therapy is recorded. It can be seen that the amount of smoking among smokers has decreased a lot. It has been proven that if smokers are allowed to smell a mixture of rotten eggs and smoking regularly during sleep, the smoker will gradually quit smoking. It is also known that very soon, using this research, special food to quit smoking is going to come to the market.
Source - The Guardian
This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ১৯, ২০১৪ 10:15 am
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