The Dhaka Times Desk The human body is the most complex physiological organization. Man is the best creature in creation. However, although medical science has received a lot of information about the human body, in some cases, the human body is still surrounded by unknown mysteries. Today we will learn 23 facts about the human body that you may not have known before.
Below are 23 detailed facts about the human body.
1. Our blood contains the same amount of salt as an ocean.
2. Our heart pumps blood around our body 100 times a day.
3. One eyelid of our eye lives for 150 days. After that it fell into a storm by itself.
4. There are 500 hairs in the eyebrows above our eyes.
5. Our body is made up of over 100 billion nerve cells.
6. People cannot sneeze with their eyes open.
7. Human bones are 4 times stronger than stone.
8. When we eat food, the taste of that food stays in our mouth for up to 10 days.
9. Humans are born without a knee cap and it does not appear for 2 to 6 years.
10. Human babies grow rapidly in the spring.
11. Our eyes always stay the same but our ears and nose never stop growing.
12. We are born with 300 bones but by adulthood we have 206 bones.
13. Our skull is made up of 26 different types of bones.
14. Our hair is made up of the same substance as our fingernails, so hands and hair are the same thing but have different densities.
15. Don't be surprised, when we sneeze all kinds of functions inside our body stop and even the heartbeat stops.
16. Do you know what is the strongest muscle in the human body? It is the tongue.
17. A healthy normal person goes to the bathroom 6 times a day.
18. It takes only 7 seconds for food to reach from our mouth to stomach.
19. Children taste any food better than adults.
20. The air that comes out when a person sneezes can travel up to 100 miles per hour.
21. The ribs are the largest part of our body.
22. The smallest bone in our body is the ear bone.
23. Our body grows faster in the morning than at night.
formula- healthdigezt
This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১, ২০১৬ 11:37 pm
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