The Dhaka Times
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A strange child born with eight arms and legs!

The Dhaka Times Desk How much inconsistency can be seen in the world of creation. The creator through some strange occurrences out of the rules shows that the only power is in his hands, there is nothing for humans to do. Just such an incident happened. A strange child with eight arms and legs is born.

strange baby born

This strange child with eight arms and legs was born in Baruipur, West Bengal, India. Local residents are calling this child 'reincarnation of God'. And so this strange child has been named 'God Child'. The birth of people with multiple limbs is considered common among Hindu worshipers in the country. Because according to Hindus many of their gods were born with extra limbs.

And so thousands of people are running towards that unknown local hospital in West Bengal to get the blessing of this wonderful 'God child'. Thousands of people are even spending the night on the streets there.

Local police said they were struggling to control the large crowd. Thousands of people line the streets day and night to see the baby and get his blessing inside the hospital.

According to hospital sources, the baby was born this week with 4 arms and 4 legs. Doctors think that he was born like this due to conjoined twins.

But his parents are very happy that this child was born with defects. The boy's parents believe that his son is the reincarnation of the 8-armed Hindu god Varma. However, the identity of the child's parents has not been revealed yet. References:

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