The Dhaka Times Desk The bond of marriage is birth-after-birth. We have been hearing this forever. But sometimes this statement turns out to be false. Just such an incident happened. A husband divorced at the wedding ceremony. The incident is in Saudi Arabia.
In Saudi Arabia, dating before marriage is not generally practiced. They have never met before this marriage. After the wedding, when the groom opened the veil and saw the bride's face for the first time, he was shocked. The groom said, 'You are not as I thought. I'm really sorry you have to divorce me now.'
The bridegroom and bride's relatives present at the wedding ceremony tried to convince the groom but ultimately failed. That single groom did not listen to anyone. He said clearly, 'Divorce, divorce, divorce. In fact, all the dreams of a girl's home and family ended at the wedding ceremony.
After the acceptance of the bride and groom, the husband and wife are brought to one place. The veil of the new wife's face was opened for the photo session. The husband suddenly stood up after seeing the face. What happened next happened. The two really got divorced.
The incident happened in Madinah, Saudi Arabia. Marriage is important in the lives of both children, especially for Muslims. The two families' sleep becomes haram due to in-law scrutiny. The reason is that it is not proper to marry there against the family. In the conservative society of Saudi Arabia, men are the main decision-makers regarding marriage. The issue of not allowing the wife to divorce depends on their will. Taking this opportunity, the heartless groom showed the audacity to divorce his wife at the wedding itself. References: The Daily Mail
This post was last modified on জুন ১৩, ২০২২ 3:12 pm
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