Categories: Picturesque

Alternative fuel human excrement: with which the bus is running!

The Dhaka Times Desk Human excrement is being used as an alternative fuel. And the bus is running through this mall. Wessex Water, a water supply and sewerage service company in England, has developed such a bus.

When the whole world is thinking about energy, the water supply and sewage service company Wessex Water in England has created a bus that will be fueled by human excrement. And the company claimed it as the only passenger bus in the world powered by renewable energy and environmentally friendly. Basically the bus runs on organic methane gas powered engine. And this methane gas is being produced from human excrement (waste).

The company recently put the bus on a trial run on the streets of Bristol. Their initiative is part of a plan to reuse human waste.

Wessex Water officials said that this bus is the result of nearly 7 years of effort. They have been working on such a project for a long time. Now they have developed a system through which organic methane gas is produced from human feces. And that gas can meet the needs of 8 and a half thousand homes. It is also possible to meet the fuel demand of passenger buses.

Mohammad Sadiq, the general manager of the project called 'GENeco', told the media in this regard, 'Gas-powered vehicles have an important role in improving the air quality of UK cities. But this bio-bus will play an even bigger role, as it will be fueled by the feces of its residents. Again they are the passengers of this bus.' Mohammad Sadiq thinks that this method will provide a sustainable energy system on the one hand, and on the other hand it will also reduce the dependence on fossil fuels. References:

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২, ২০১৭ 3:28 am

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