The Dhaka Times
With the commitment to keep the young generation ahead, Bangladesh's largest social magazine.

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Let's have fun with Google

The Dhaka Times Desk Currently the most popular search engine Google, what is not here? Google will bring all the information from all over the world in your hand. But on Google you can see some exceptional works if you want. To do this you need to follow the steps below.


Follow the steps below to see Google's special charms.

1. If you go to this link below Google, you will be drowning under water Here you can have more fun if you go searching for something. Take a quick look.

2. Now you are first Go, and write here Do a barrel roll And press enter! Aha! Did the head spin or not?

3. Want to see Google in a broken state? then Go to type Google gravity and press enter. Go to the first link that comes up. How do you feel?

4. Go to the link below if you want to see Google in reverse

5. By going here you can enter your name, and Google will show your name in place. You will feel like Google for a while Enter your name in the box and click submit.

6. Go to and click Askew and press enter. Did you suddenly go out?

That's all for today, stay tuned to The Dhaka Times for more interesting posts.

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