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A strange tree has 40 kinds of fruit!

The Dhaka Times Desk Researchers have been showing surprises in various ways by researching beyond the rules of creation. We are surprised to see these strange activities outside the rules. An American researcher has discovered such a strange tree. That strange tree has 40 kinds of fruit!

40 types of fruit trees

The rule is that a mango tree will bear mangoes, and a coconut tree will bear coconuts. But sometimes that rule is violated. The same happened this time. A tree caught 40 kinds of fruit. And this was made possible by Syracuse University professor Sam Van Aken. The name of this tree invented by him is '40 fruit tree'. Fruits like almonds, plums, apricots, cherries, peaches are found in this tree.

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Professor Sam van Aken is experimenting with tree grafting

Professor Sam Van Aken had to work hard on this strange plant. He had to work tirelessly for 9 years. To create this tree, he used seeds of different varieties of plants. He also applied grafting method to create the tree. Just as a child is born through the union of a man and a woman, so Professor Sam van Aken has made a union of a tree with another tree. In this method the branches of two trees are connected in such a way that the veins of both trees flow into each other. As pen is given. Just like connecting two blood vessels. These two vessels are called loem and xylem. In this way two plants exchange their water, sugars and minerals. By grafting a weak tree becomes stronger by taking different elements from a stronger tree. Although multiple trees can be propagated by grafting, it is almost impossible to unite 40 trees. But still, Professor Sam van Aken has made the impossible possible.

Professor Sam van Aken has tended the tree for 3-4 years by grafting method. When some branches are full, cut 4-5 branches and graft more branches of new species. In this way, he has taken care of 25 species of different plants by joining them together. After a couple of years of care, the new branches are able to exchange minerals with each other. A great affinity develops between the branches of different species of trees. Van Aken was able to gradually plant 40 fruit trees in this way. And thus he made one tree worthy of 40 fruits.

Professor Sam Van Aken said the original source for the plant cuttings was a garden at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station. Van Aken leased the plantation after hearing that it would be closed. There were about 250 species of trees in that garden. He figures out when these plants flower. Based on this, he started planting several other cuttings in the root structure of a tree. When these trees were two years old, he started planting some more grafts on the branches of the trees. Thus he has produced 16 such trees at present. But it takes about five years to produce each tree.

One feature of the tree is that it looks like any other tree throughout the year. However, a different form of this tree can be found in spring. When the flower blooms, the plant will take on a magnificent appearance with a combination of pink, red and white colors. And its results are available from July to October. References:

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