The Dhaka Times Desk The court ordered the arrest of former minister Abdul Latif Siddiqui. When Advocate Abed Raja filed the case as the plaintiff, Metropolitan Magistrate of Dhaka Atiqur Rahman gave this order to Ramna Police Station on the application of the plaintiff.
On Monday, advocate Abed Raja filed a case as the plaintiff, the Metropolitan Magistrate of Dhaka Atiqur Rahman Ramna Thana police ordered the police to arrest the expelled minister Abdul Latif Siddiqui.
Advocate Abed Raza requested the court to arrest Latif Siddiqui within the next 12 hours. On October 2, Abed Raja, a lawyer of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, filed this case in the CMM court of Dhaka.
On the same day, the judge directed Latif Siddiqui to appear before the court on October 28. But as Latif Siddiqui did not appear in the court, the magistrate issued this arrest warrant.
Notably, this former minister Abdur Latif Siddiqui insulted the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Hajj and Tabligh Jamaat at an event in New York on September 28. He also lashed out at Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's information advisor Sajeeb Wazed Joy. After this incident, there was a storm of criticism at home and abroad. At one point Latif Siddiqui was removed from the cabinet and later expelled from the party. He returned to Dhaka on an Air India flight last night.
This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ২৫, ২০১৪ 10:35 am
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