The Dhaka Times
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Question papers leak in primary too: Allegations of question leak 'baseless': Ministry

The Dhaka Times Desk The same story happened again. Even in the preliminary examination! Question paper leak happened here too. However, the ministry termed the allegations of question leak as 'baseless'.


Allegations of leakage of questions in the Primary Education Completion (PRASIS) examination are being raised from the day after the examination began. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education has termed this allegation as 'rumour', 'baseless' and 'information outage'. Terming the question paper leak as 'baseless, untrue, baseless, ulterior motive and suspicious', the ministry appealed to the media not to publish such news. The ministry made this call in a press release on Wednesday.

However, complaints have been received from various areas that the question papers of elementary science held yesterday were also leaked. According to the press release of the Ministry, various 'misleading' news related to the leak of this exam question paper have been circulating in various social media and mass media since the day after the exam began. The senior officials of the ministry have reviewed the matter by realizing the public concern and the undesirable situation created. The questions or suggestions found on Facebook and the question papers of the exams conducted are checked and whether such incidents arise due to technical errors or not, it is also checked. The Ministry said, after the overall review, it appears that there is no consistency between the questions published in various media including Facebook and the questions provided in the final examination. When the question paper was leaked, the subject-wise question of the exam was supposed to match the question paper found on Facebook. But there was no proof of this. The press release requested parents not to worry.

It should be noted that since the beginning of the preliminary final examination on November 23, the question papers were spread on the social media Facebook. Because of this, there is an anxiety-anxiety among the parents. The issue came up in the media including various TV channels.

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