The Dhaka Times
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Japan is going to build a new Atlantis under the sea!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to human research and interest in the ocean floor. From that early period, various researches are being done on the sea floor. Japan is going to build a new Atlantis on the sea floor!

New Atlantis

Everything in the world is moving step by step. New topics are being researched. People are moving the world forward with their intellect. This time, Atlantis is going to leave the pages of Purana and raise its head in reality. Japan finally sank under the sea in search of housing for its huge population. Japan will build a modern city under water.

The world's population is increasing by leaps and bounds every day. With the increase in population, the situation is becoming more and more obvious. Even with high prices, the housing needs of the middle class are not being met. To find a solution to such a problem, Japanese architects have started planning to build a city under the sea.

Recently, the famous construction company of that country, Shimizu Corporation, has informed that soon a whole township will be built on or under the sea. Along with the announcement, a replica of the underwater city was also unveiled.

This project is named 'Ocean Spiral Project'. It is known that the entire city will be made up of multiple dome-shaped roofs. This waterproof domed roof will connect one part of the city with another. They said that the provision of electricity in the seabed city will be done in a totally unconventional way. They explain that underwater factories will use methane gas-producing microscopic organisms to generate electricity again.

There will be a circular elevator to rise above the water. With the help of which one can reach the mainland in a short time if necessary. The Shimizu authorities also plan to dig the seabed to recover some rare and expensive minerals.

It is expected that this first city under the sea will be built by the year 2030. The construction time is 5 years, and the cost will be 1,600 million pounds or 30,000 million yen. They say, about 5 thousand people can live in this city under the sea.

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