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Everything you need to create an import and export certificate

The Dhaka Times Desk Today's report is for those who are interested in doing export and import or import and export business in the country. If you are thinking of importing or exporting goods from abroad in the country but do not know how to make import and export certificate, let them know the details -


The government gives two special licenses for import and export in our country. In this case, you can import or export any product eligible for import and export in the country. And the whole process of doing this licensing is very transparent and secure. Details are given below.

What you need for issuing Import Registration Certificate and Export Registration Certificate-

1) Trade license;
2) Valid membership certificate of chamber or recognized trade association;
3) TIN;
4) Bank confirmation letter;
5) Memorandum and Articles of Association and Certificate of Incorporation approved by Registrar, Joint Stock Company in case of Limited Company.

If you have done all the above documents, you can get the import and export certificate issued within three hours i.e. on the same day.

Import Exporters have to pay fees on import/export limit in 6 steps:

1) In case of goods worth Rs.1 lakh
Registration fee - 1,000
Renewal fee – 1,000

2) In case of goods worth Rs.5 lakhs
Registration fee – 2,000
Renewal fee – 2,000

3) In case of goods worth Rs.15 lakhs
Registration fee – 3,000
Renewal fee – 3,000

4) In case of goods worth Rs. 50 lakhs
Registration fee is 6,000
Renewal fee – 5,000

5) In case of goods worth Rs. 1 crore
Registration fee – 10,000
Renewal fee – 4,000

6) In case of goods amounting above 1 crore
Registration fee – 15,000
Renewal fee – 10,000

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