The Dhaka Times
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A whole plane entered the house!

The Dhaka Times Desk It's a surprising thing. Because a whole plane entered the house. The incident took place in Lancashire. However, even though the entire plane entered the house, the two occupants miraculously survived.

Planes & house

The two of them in the room were in a very chatty mood. He was also telling stories in a cheerful mood. But suddenly there was a problem. A whole plane entered the house through the garden. Surprisingly, the lives of the two people in the house were saved. However, except for minor injuries, both of them are in good health.

The plane crash took place in Lancashire. What actually happened that day? It is known that a 73-year-old pilot did not realize that his plane's landing gear was broken. So what's more, the plane landed right on the bed of the house.

Many people say that in such an incident, the old man must have become impatient. So no more space, satan entered the room!

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