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Chile has created a bicycle that is impossible to steal

The Dhaka Times Desk A group of Chilean engineers are claiming that their bicycle is impossible to steal. The rationale behind their claim is that they have developed a completely new type of lock for their bicycles that can connect to smartphones via Bluetooth. Engineers have named this novel bike Yarka. But let's see how this Yarkata?


The Yarka looks like a normal street bike. But its exceptional feature is that its seat can be completely removed with the bar and can be easily folded and used as a lock. By keeping the bicycle with a bicycle stand or pole on the side of the road, the seat can be opened and used as a lock by leaving it with the pole or stand. Now let's know about the artisans behind making such bicycles. Three engineer friends from Chile developed this novel bicycle. One of them is Juan Jose Monslav. He said, we have been particularly fond of bicycles since childhood. As such, we wondered if we could make an exception for bicycles. His other two friends are Christopher Cabelli and Andres Rui.


Meanwhile, one day Andres' bicycle was stolen. They then thought of finding a way to prevent bicycle theft. They then took classes on engineering design at the Andres Ibanez Engineering University in Chile. And made this bicycle. The user will put down his bicycle and remove the seat with its bars. Then insert this seat into the lock on both ends of the bicycle and lock it. By doing this, if the thief wants to steal this bicycle, he has to open the lock and remove the lock. Then put the seat and run away which is quite risky for a thief.

But critics say the lock can be easily opened, or if it can't be opened, a thief can easily damage it to the point where the user can no longer use it. On the other hand, its makers say they are not looking at the critics. Because they themselves cycle and their system is quite effective.

Reference: The Daily Mail

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