Categories: Desh Geram news

Bamboo poles: but one kilometer long!

The Dhaka Times Desk Bamboo poles are also one kilometer long! The residents of Kazirchar Union have constructed a one kilometer long bamboo bridge over this river which flows by the side of Muladi Upazila due to the navigability crisis due to the absence of the turbulent Rudra statue of the Arial Khan river. There is probably no such long bamboo pole anywhere else in Bangladesh.

When many people go to this area, they say that such a long bamboo pole is not only in Bangladesh - it is doubtful whether there is anywhere else in the world. This bamboo leaf should be entered in the Greenage Book of Records. Thousands of people from Badamtala village now travel on this Sanko. A few years ago, boats were the only means of transportation for the people of this village and neighboring villages. Due to the navigability crisis, even if the boat runs during the high tide, the boat cannot move during the low tide. Men were able to wade through knee- or waist-deep water, but women and children were blocked. Still depends on tides to transport goods. To solve this problem of the villagers, without getting any help from the government, they got together and built this bamboo board about one kilometer long from Badamtala area to Dudachar village. The elders said that no one had seen such a long bamboo pole in this area before.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১৮, ২০১৩ 9:16 am

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