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NASA secretly sent people to Mars!

The Dhaka Times Desk News is out again about Mars. But this time the news is a little different. Did NASA secretly send humans to Mars?


It has been reported that by 2023, humans will be sent to live on Mars for the first time, said the US space research agency NASA. But recently a former employee of NASA said that in 1979, NASA had secretly sent people to Mars!

Jackie, a former female employee of NASA, made such a claim in a US radio channel 'Coast to Coast AM'. He said that he saw humans on Mars in 1979.

According to media reports, NASA conducted two Viking spacecraft missions in the 1970s to collect various data and images on Mars. Jackie, a former female NASA worker, said, 'In 1979 I was working on the telemetry of the Viking spacecraft's lander. Just then I saw two people walking on the ground of Mars.' He also claimed that 6 other NASA employees also saw this. However, NASA has rejected this claim of secretly sending humans to Mars.

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