Categories: opinion

Some amazing places that defy reality

The Dhaka Times Desk Sometimes reality beats our imagination. Some places on our earthly world are so enchanting that they may have only existed in your imagination. Or you never thought it could happen so you will be surprised by all the places. This is our arrangement with such a surprising place of our beloved world.

1. Xinjiang Danxia Geopark, China

When you see the mountains of Xinjiang, you may remember those childhood pictures. Where you used to color the mountains to your heart's content. And I thought, oh, if I could find such a country. Those mountains of your imagination are the mountains of Xinjiang Geopark. How many colors of red, blue green mountains are here. It is actually made up of about 24 million years old limestone mixed with various minerals.

2. The Great Blue Hole, Belize

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The giant blue hole is located in the chest of the Pacific Ocean in Belize. Like the eyes of a huge sea monster staring at the sky. Its deep blue color gives it diversity among the waters of the entire Pacific Ocean. This place is very popular all over the world for scuba diving.

3. Marble Cave, Crimea

Remember those fairy tales? Where the princess was kept captive in a cave in a different place. That cave used to be of different colors and shapes, and this marble cave is a cave. This marble cave in Crimea is made of marble stones.

4. Salar de Uni, Bolivia

If you looked at this image above and thought it was Photoshopped, you'd be wrong. This place in Bolivia is the largest salt field in the world. It is basically a lake. But due to the crystallinity of the salt, it completely reflects the light. Due to which this confusion is created. It is also used as a calibrating altimeter for artificial satellites.

5. Uetamo Glowworm Cave, New Zealand

Uetamo Cave is a fairyland in a word. This cave is full of bright insects of various colors. As a result, if you enter inside this cave, you will see a game of various colors. which will impress you. And you will remember fairy tales.

Reference: The Huffington Post

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ৬, ২০১৫ 12:32 am

KA B Tohin

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