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Flexible attitude: Mamata has no objection to the enclave exchange agreement!

The Dhaka Times Desk West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee once showed a strict attitude, but now she has started showing a flexible attitude. Mamata has no objection to the enclave exchange agreement.

Momta Banarji

Mamata Banerjee said that there was no objection to the Tista Agreement and enclave exchange with Bangladesh. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said this at a public meeting in Cooch Behar on Thursday afternoon.

Mamata Banerjee said in a public meeting held at Dakur Hat ground near the Bangladeshi Karla enclave, 'I have already sent the central government a plan budget for creating administrative system infrastructure in the area for enclave exchange. We want to make an enclave exchange agreement with Bangladesh.

It should be noted that West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has always objected to several important agreements including the Teesta Agreement with Bangladesh. Recently, he has shown a flexible attitude on the Tista Treaty. This time he expressed no objection to the enclave exchange agreement. Experts believe that it will be possible to settle several unresolved issues between the two countries.
