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Vitamin E can increase lung tumors!

The Dhaka Times Desk We often take vitamins. But as this vitamin is beneficial for the body, it can also be harmful to health at times. Researchers said, vitamin 'E' can increase lung tumors!

Vitamin E

Taking vitamins has become a fad in recent times. No one takes the doctor's advice. Eat vitamins as desired. This is because the quality of vitamins is known to many. Hence its arbitrary use. Again, most doctors prescribe vitamin supplements. Actually there is no benefit in taking vitamins. Many people say that.

But as this vitamin is beneficial for the body, it can also be harmful to health at times. Researchers say, vitamin E can increase the growth of lung tumors. It is unheard of that vitamin intake causes cancer or tumors. However, a group of Swedish researchers said that vitamin E can increase lung tumors. In particular, they commented that all the vitamins that prevent cancer, a vitamin that helps in the formation of tumors. And that is vitamin 'E'. The name of vitamin 'E' came first.

Experts say that studies have shown that small lung tumors increased after consuming vitamin E. Another type of antioxidant called acetylcysteine is also helpful in tumor growth, researchers have commented. Experts have obtained this research result by researching mice. However, experts have emphasized the research on the human body to clarify this issue.

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