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IS is building a training camp in Libya!

The Dhaka Times Desk The Islamic State (IS) is now building a training camp in Libya. International media have reported that they are setting up their own training base in the eastern part of Libya.

training camp
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The media said that the extremist organization Islamic State (IS) is going to establish its training base in the eastern part of Libya. It is said in the news that IS militants have established a training camp in the country. This news was given by BBC Online.

General David Rodriguez, head of US Africa Command, made a statement in Washington. It is said in the statement that several hundred militants are undergoing training in various training camps. But he also said that the training camps are still in the very early stages. The US is closely monitoring militant training issues.

In 2011, Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi was ousted and killed. Since then, the country is going through an extreme chaos. Various tribal groups, militias and political parties have traditionally engaged in violent struggles for power.

However, it has not yet been fully ascertained how closely IS has links with those trained in the newly established training camps, said General David Rodriguez, head of the US Africa Command.

He further said that currently the training camps are very small and newly established. We just have to watch closely how it progresses.

Note that due to the ongoing political crisis, the elected government of Libya has failed to take control of the country's 3 main cities. The US-led international coalition has been conducting airstrikes against IS positions and various targets in Iraq and Syria for the past few months.

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