Categories: international news

Cyclone Hagupit hits the Philippines: many casualties

The Dhaka Times Desk Typhoon Hagupit makes landfall in the Philippines. This cyclone has caused a lot of damage. Hagupit, the strongest typhoon of the year, hit the eastern islands of the Philippines.

storm hit the Philippinesstorm hit the Philippines

Hagupit, the strongest typhoon of the year, hit the eastern islands of the Philippines yesterday. As a result, coastal cities have been uprooted and power lines have been disrupted, leaving people at risk from strong sea waves. Hundreds of residents of these areas are moving in search of safe shelter due to the storm. The low-lying areas have been submerged by the flood.

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According to media reports, the impact of this typhoon Hagupit has blown up the roofs of several buildings in the city of Tacloban, Philippines.
Residents of those homes lit candles and took refuge in local schools, churches and sports centers.

Image courtesy of BBC

Meanwhile, the Meteorological Department said that Cyclone Hagupit is getting stronger and moving towards the eastern and northern regions. According to the local weather office, the wind speed can reach a maximum of 250 km per hour. Thousands of troops have been deployed to keep the coastal city's streets clear and prevent possible looting, media sources said.

It should be noted that similar to the horror of Cyclone Haiyan last year, the same is being feared this time. In 2013, Typhoon Haiyan killed more than 7,000 people in the Philippines.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ৮, ২০১৪ 10:46 am

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