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Now the car will run with the help of water!

The Dhaka Times Desk Cars run without petrol. Again the car runs with the help of the battery. But this time the car will run with the help of water. Scientists will drive cars with renewable resources!

2013 / IAA / Toyota / Hybridantrieb

Energy problem is a big problem all over the world. In our country, the government has to give many subsidies in this energy sector. And so now the price of petrol and diesel is increasing by word of mouth. Even if there is a lot of anger in the heart, it is necessary to keep the mouth shut. But how long will it last? Moreover, petrol and diesel are non-renewable resources. It may expire at any time. This time, the scientists will drive the car with renewable resource water! Not surprisingly, scientists have already achieved success.

According to the media, a group of researchers from the Biology Department of the Australian National University have been conducting research on using water and sunlight as fuel for a long time. These scientists claim that this experiment using water and sunlight as fuel is very successful.

Kasturi Hingorani, a member of the Australian research team, said, 'Hydrogen is easily obtained from water and sunlight. Hydrogen is a substance that has already been tested as a fuel. Hydrogen is used as fuel especially in space vehicles. He said, 'Like petroleum, hydrogen does not contain any carbon. Due to which there will be no pollution. Which will be very convenient and cheap.'

Australian researcher Hingorani said, 'Just as plants separate hydrogen from water through photosynthesis, we have made a protein. With which hydrogen can be separated from sunlight and water much like the process of photosynthesis.'

Experts believe that if the researchers' research is successful, the world's energy crisis will be solved.

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