The Dhaka Times
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Bangladesh film 'Antology' at international festival

The Dhaka Times Desk This time, Bangladeshi film 'Antology' is going to take place in the international festival. Director Mustafa Sarayar Farooqui went to India on Tuesday morning to attend the Guhati International Film Festival.


Filmmaker Mustafa Sarayer Farooqui and his latest film 'Antology' are participating in several international film festivals. Mustafa Saryar Faruqi went to India on Tuesday morning. He will attend the Guwahati International Film Festival.

Mustafa Saryar Farooqui, the director of the film 'Antology', said, apart from India, I am going to Singapore from there on December 12. 'Antology' competes for the Screen Award at the Singapore International Film Festival. The movie 'Antology' will be screened at 'The Projector' in Singapore on December 12 at 9 pm. I and the main actor of the film Noor Imran Mithu will be present as guests. The closing night will be held on the red carpet at Marina San Bay on December 13. The name of the screen award winners will be announced there.

It is to be noted that 'Antology' has been selected in the competition section of Karela International Film Festival to be held on December 12. 14 films are participating in this competition for the award. Among the films participating in the competition are 2 films from Iran, 4 films from India, 2 films from Morocco, South Korea, Japan and only 1 film from Bangladesh. It has been informed that the name of the winning movie will be announced and the award will be given on December 19.

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