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An actress slapped the director! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Now an actress slapped the director. Actress Manisha Kumari slapped Indian film director Sachindra Sharma while standing on the event stage.

director & actress thump

According to news media, actress Manisha Kumari slapped the film director Sachindra Sharma while standing on the stage of the event.

Indian online media APB News reported that this unpleasant incident took place at the song release of the movie Mumbai Can Dance Saala. At that time the actress's friend Rakhi Sawant was also present on the stage. He later revealed the incident in a face to reporters.

In the online video, the film's director and Rakhi Sawant were talking on the stage. At that time, Manisha suddenly came on stage and slapped the director. After slapping the director also came towards him. However, they both left the stage with Rakhi's intervention.

Later, Manisha and Rakhi spoke to reporters. Manisha alleged that the director first gave her a bad offer. I was beaten for not agreeing to the proposal.' He said that this slap is to teach the director.

Rakhi Sawant supported her friend's complaint and lodged a police complaint against the director. However, director Sachindra Sharma countered that it was a false allegation. Sharma's family has also filed a counter-complaint against the actress at the police station.

It is to be noted that just a few days ago, an actress got on the stage and slapped an audience wearing a skimpy dress. As soon as the incident ended, the incident of slapping happened again. But this time the actress herself slapped the director.

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