The Dhaka Times Desk A woman has been sitting like this for thousands of years. Bend the knee with one hand, the other hand is placed gently on the chest. This woman, who has been sitting like this for thousands of years, will be exhibited in Leo, France.
Bend the knee with one hand, the other hand is placed gently on the chest. A long cloth tied from the neck to below both knees. Again the head is bent towards the knees. A full head of hair hangs on the neck and forehead. It has been sitting like this for thousands of years. But he is sitting in a lifeless state.
The body was placed in this way more than 1000 years ago in the Pachacamac cemetery near Lima, the capital of Peru. There is no way to know anything about his name. Not even supposed to stay.
He was mummified at some point before the famous medieval Inca civilization of 1438-1533 AD. But with the help of science it is possible to know the age. When she was buried, the woman was 50 years old.
History shows that at that time the capital of the Inca civilization was called Cusco. This is the Lima of today. Before the Inca civilization, only a few thousand people lived there. They were worshipers of the god named 'Pacha Kamak'.
They believed that 'Pacha Kamak' created the first human and human beings in the world. Anthropologists think that they used to sacrifice living people to get God's satisfaction.
It is known that about 25 kilometers away from Cusco (Lima) on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, there was a burial ground of the Inca settlement covering an area of 600 hectares. A group of Belgian anthropologists discovered it in 2012. Later, numerous mummified skeletons were found there.
The last witness to recover these mummified skeletons is this 50-year-old woman. Who is kept in the tomb there. The mummy is said to be on display next week in Leo, France. The rescuers are working to preserve the mummy so that it does not get destroyed. It is believed to be of special use in preserving the history of thousands of years of the world.
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২০, ২০২২ 2:47 pm
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