The Dhaka Times
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Allama Shafi went to Barisal by helicopter!

The Dhaka Times Desk Emir of Hefazat Islam, Chairman of Qaumi Madrasa Education Board and Director General of Hathazari Madrasa Allama Shah Ahmad Shafi Barisal went to Barisal in a helicopter.

Muhammad Shafi & helicopter

Amir of Hefazat Islam, Chairman of Qaumi Madrasa Education Board and Director General of Hathazari Madrasa Allama Shah Ahmad Shafi went to Barisal yesterday Sunday afternoon by helicopter. He left Hathazari to attend the two-day divisional conference of Qaumi Madrasa organized at Barisal Hemayet Uddin Central Eidgah Maidan. He will return to Hathazari Madrasa again on Monday.

A large number of people thronged the Hathajari Parvati High School grounds after the South Asian Airlines helicopter landed at around 2 pm yesterday. Later this Hefazat leader left for Barisal. He was accompanied by Hefazat Islam Secretary General Junaid Babu Nagri and Amir's Private Secretary.

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