The Dhaka Times
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'Desha-The Leader' releases on December 26

The Dhaka Times Desk Directed by Saikat Nasir, 'Desha-The Leader' is releasing on December 26. This film of Shipon-Mahi pairing has been widely discussed even before its release.

Desa-The Leader

'Desha-The Leader' directed by Saikat Nasir is going to release nationwide on December 26. This film of Shipon-Mahi pair is widely discussed before its release. A new song titled 'Eki Maya' has been released online before the release. The song titled 'Eki Maya' from the film 'Desha-The Leader' was released on YouTube last Thursday night. The song penned by Someshwar Oli has been sung by AI Raju. The song is composed and composed by Shaukat Ali Imon.

Desa-The Leader-2

It should be noted that this film has been widely discussed in the media even before its release. The film 'Desha-The Leader' produced by Jazz Multimedia banner was given censor clearance from the Censor Board on December 17 subject to deduction.

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