The Dhaka Times
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Taliban attack in Pakistan: the clock signal saves the life of Dawood of the ninth class!

The Dhaka Times Desk Although all ninth grade students died in the Taliban attack in Pakistan, the clock signal saved the life of Dawood, the only ninth grade student!

Daud's life

Clock signals often confuse us. Scheduled tasks are also possible due to clock signals. But Dawood, a class nine student, luckily survived the attack on the army school in Peshawar, Pakistan last Saturday. His watch did not signal that day. And so Dawood missed school. But who knew that his life would be saved because of the clock signal?

That's what happened that day at school in Peshawar, Pakistan. 141 people were killed in the Taliban attack that day. 132 of them were students. Among them, all the ninth graders have died. That is, the Taliban brutally killed everyone in a designated room. All of them were ninth graders. Fortunately Dawood survived. This lucky 15-year-old Pakistani student didn't go to school that day because the clock signal didn't work in the morning.

However, Dawood is shocked by the brutality of his classmates. Various news media have said that Dawood has survived but has fallen silent. This is because he cannot forget about his classmates. It seems like a dream to Dawood to go to school in the morning and not see the people he spends the day with. He feels that maybe the whole thing is his dream. If you break the dream, you may see that nothing has happened. Go back to school and see friends!

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