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An amazing hotel made entirely of salt!

The Dhaka Times Desk It is difficult to say how many types of hotels there are in the world. But today, the story of an amazing hotel made entirely of salt will be presented to you.

wonderful salt hotel

It is difficult to say how many types of hotels there are in the world. Never a hotel in the water. Never a hotel in the snow. We have heard stories of such strange hotels. But today I will know the story of a hotel that is made entirely of salt. The entire hotel is made of salt. Palacio de Sal is a hotel made of salt in Bolivia. This hotel is located 350 km south of the country's capital La Paz.

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According to media reports, the interior of the floor, walls and roof of this hotel is made of salt. Not only that, the beds made for resting and even the sitting chairs are made of salt.

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It is known that the hotel was opened for the first time after its construction in 1993-1995. But the owners demolished the hotel in 2002 due to sanitary issues. Then the hotel was reopened again in 2007.

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According to media reports, this exceptional hotel has 16 rooms. Massage room, heated room for comfort on winter days. There is also a satar cutting system for travelers. Anyone can play golf again - the hotel has also arranged this. There is also painting craft in this hotel.

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However, to stay in this hotel, you have to follow some rules. For example: Do not touch the wall of the hotel. Furniture made of salt should be used very carefully etc. Several rules should be followed.

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It is reported that you can also go to this different hotel. But for that you have to book anytime from May to November. There is another special thing in this hotel, and that is - according to Bolivian tradition, guests are entertained with salted meat and vegetables. You will also get the same in the boarder hall of that hotel. You will be impressed by the beautiful hospitality. So why don't you visit such a beautiful hotel made of salt. References:

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