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The verdict in the case of former Minister of State for Agriculture Kaiser's crime against humanity is today

The Dhaka Times Desk The judgment in the case of former agricultural minister Kaiser for crimes against humanity is today. International Criminal Tribunal-II headed by Chairman Justice Obaidul Hasan will announce the verdict of this case.

The judgment of Syed Mohammad Qaiser, the former state minister for agriculture in the Jatiya Party government, will be announced on Tuesday. International Criminal Tribunal-II Chairman Justice Obaidul Hasan will announce the verdict of this case.

The tribunal was kept waiting to announce the verdict in this case after presenting arguments on August 20. At the same time, Kaiser's bail was canceled and he was ordered to be sent to prison.

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Kaiser was charged with a total of 16 crimes against humanity, including 13 counts of genocide, torture, arson and looting and two cases of rape in 1971.

Advocate SM Shahjahan presented arguments for Kaiser. Prosecutors Turin Afroz and Rana Dasgupta argued the counter legal points for the state.

It is to be noted that on February 2, Tribunal-2 filed charges against Syed Qaiser in the case of crimes against humanity during the Liberation War in 1971. The court took cognizance of the formal complaint against him on November 14 last year. On August 7, advocate Abdus Sobhan started presenting arguments on behalf of Kaiser. On the same day, the state party finished presenting its arguments. In this case, the state presented arguments against Kaiser on the sixth working day.

Earlier on July 23, the prosecution's 32nd witness and Investigating Officer (IO) Manwara Begum, on the orders of the court, started presenting arguments against the prosecutor Rana Dasgupta Kaiser. Prosecutor Rana Dasgupta presented arguments in court for a total of 6 working days from that day to August 7.

Earlier, 31 witnesses testified against Kaiser in the case. The prosecution also cross-examined them. However, it is known that no exculpatory evidence was given on behalf of Kaiser as an accused in the tribunal.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২৩, ২০১৪ 1:50 am

Staff reporter

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