Categories: special news

Online crime is increasing with Facebook

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook and other online crimes are increasing. In recent times it has become more dire. A number of incidents have also resulted in jail terms. But still these crimes do not stop.

Several incidents have occurred. These are the events that most Prime Ministers are insulted by. Several people have been jailed for these. But still the crime trend is not decreasing. On the other hand, not only the Prime Minister, but also all the information technology crimes that have happened to other people.

All the events that are happening in different parts of the country from time to time. Embarrassing someone by uploading their secret photos on Facebook. Such incidents seem to be happening more and more in recent times. Even though the law enforcement agencies are vigilant to prevent these cyber crimes, these incidents are happening one after another. Such a crime has also happened in Chittagong. A few days ago, the mobile set of a college girl got damaged. Then he got it repaired by a repairman named Imran. However, the student forgot to remove the memory card from her mobile phone. And the repairman misused this opportunity.

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This incident happened in Baklia area of Chittagong city. Imran posted the girl's photo and video from the mobile memory card on his Facebook account and made indecent comments. However, Imran was not able to do such a stupid thing. After making a complaint, Chittagong District Administration Executive Magistrate Shahadat Hossain sentenced him to 1 year rigorous imprisonment on Wednesday afternoon. Yesterday morning, Imran was arrested by Baklia Police Station from Ichaikyar Pool area of Baklia Police Station. Accused Imran's house is said to be in Muradnagar upazila of Comilla.

As the days go by, various technologies including Android mobiles are coming within reach. Because of this, cybercrime is increasing one after another. Although the government often takes measures under the Information Technology Act, in many cases they are being suppressed. Many people do not hand over these criminals for fear of being socially stigmatized. And this is how a gang gets courage to commit these crimes one after another.

It is now necessary to increase public awareness on this issue. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to control these crime levels in the future.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২৫, ২০১৪ 2:41 pm

Staff reporter

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