The Dhaka Times
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A 'dead' old man stood up from the pyre!

The Dhaka Times Desk After the death of an old man, he was cremated with all the formalities. Fire was also given. But everyone is shocked! Because the 'dead' old man stood up from the pyre!

OAP Wakes Up On Funeral Pyre

The incident took place in Rajasthan, India. After the death of an old man, all his rituals were performed religiously. Then it was taken to the pyre. But the disaster happened just then. The old man sat on the pyre. Such an event has not happened before.

The news is that 72-year-old Deepak Singh of Bilwara District has died. He fainted while feeding the cow. Later the family members found the body lifeless. Amidst the cries, relatives and family performed religious rituals and lifted his dead body in the pyre. The fire was also lit by the cheetah. But then a setback occurred. A strange incident occurred. The old man stood up. Everyone is shocked. Everyone around Cheetah was startled like seeing a ghost.

The news published in the Mail Online also said that the fire was burning in the cheetah. Suddenly the body of the 'dead' old man started shaking. In the next moment, everyone saw that the old man had woken up. Seeing this incident, everyone tried to quickly put out the fire. They realized that he was not really dead. Then the old man got down from the cheetah and started walking.

The old man's grandson Banda Naola told the media that his grandfather was very good and normal in the morning. He went to feed the cows as usual. But he was not coming back after feeding the cow as usual. While looking for him, he was found lying on the ground. Everyone saw that the old man had no heartbeat. A local doctor was also called. The doctor also declared him dead. Then all the formalities of cremation are performed.

The old man is currently in good health. He is also talking as usual. Then the old man said, "I know it's a big problem." But that's why I was declared dead and burned!

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