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Breaking News: Finally the body of baby Ziad was recovered

The Dhaka Times Desk Finally, the body of child Ziad, who fell 600 feet down in Shahjahanpur, was recovered. After announcing the end of the long 23-hour rescue operation, the body was recovered by private management around 3:30 pm.

Finally, the body of child Ziad, who fell 600 feet down in Shahjahanpur, was recovered. After announcing the end of the long 23-hour rescue operation, the body was recovered by private management around 3:30 pm. Meanwhile, since the government fire service announced the end of the rescue operation some time ago, there is tension in the area after the rescue. Ziad was rescued and his body was taken to the hospital. He was found dead.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২৭, ২০১৪ 3:34 pm

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